Sending commands from Azure IoT Central to Raspberry PI with Sense HAT in node-RED.

In the previous post of this series you have seen how send telemetry from a Raspberry PI with a Sense HAT to Azure IoT Central using my Node-RED connector, you can see the code on my Github repo. Well, now it’s time to see how to send commands to the Sense HAT. In our caseContinue reading “Sending commands from Azure IoT Central to Raspberry PI with Sense HAT in node-RED.”

Raspberry with Sense HAT telemetry to IoT Central using Node-RED

In a previous post I gave an introduction to the Node-RED connector for IoT Central and because I have been asked to provide more examples with a real device, I have decided to use a Raspberry PI (in my case Pi 2 Model B) with Sense HAT, that allows your Raspberry Pi to sense theContinue reading “Raspberry with Sense HAT telemetry to IoT Central using Node-RED”

Node-RED Connector for Azure IoT Central

If you are using Node-RED for your IoT projects and need to connect to Azure IoT Central, you can use the Node-RED Connector for Azure IoT Central to make it simple to connect and at the same time leverage all the features of the IoT Central from Node-RED. The connector is available as a standardContinue reading “Node-RED Connector for Azure IoT Central”

Build 2020 What’s new for IoT (my Recap)

Hi there! This is the first post on this blog, who aim to speak about Azure IoT to developers and architects, so what a best opportunity to start with the Microsoft Build 2020. This is my recap, if you want to know more details, please watch the sessions I linked below. Azure IoT Certification forContinue reading “Build 2020 What’s new for IoT (my Recap)”